Hello Volta ( hellovolta )

Hello Volta ( hellovolta ) – What’s that all about then?


When we re-branded back in June 2016 to celebrate our 25th year in business (and most successful year ever), we spent an extraordinary amount of time deliberating about absolutely every aspect of how we wanted to present ourselves.


In fact we had decided on, registered the domains for and designed the logo for 2 other names, which at the time we thought were just perfect for a modern, creative design agency.


Luckily we started the re-brand journey a full 12 months before the launch date, allowing us more than enough time to ponder and on reflection, we twice decided they weren’t quite right. Did the team think we had wasted months of work, well no, not really, we always make a point of telling customers how important it is to get the branding and company logo’s right and part of the process may sometimes include thinking you have got it right, then realising you haven’t.


Volta Creative seemed to tick all the boxes of being contemporary, memorable, quirky and whats more we really, really liked it!


Once we had the name, the domains and the branding we put some serious thought into how we presented ourselves in a friendly, welcoming and approachable way.


These days, one of the many ways of engaging with the public is that “new fangled social media”, and although we already “own” sheffielddesign sheffieldweb and sheffieldprint, we couldn’t help feeling they were just a little too impersonal.


So we tested a number of social media names (after checking they were available across all the main social media channels), and eventually decided on Hello Volta ( hellovolta ).


Our friendly, welcoming and approachable new social media name was registered for Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (links for all 3 of our social media channels are below so please view, like, share and be super social – we really would appreciate it).


hellovolta facebook logo volta creative   hellovolta instagram logo volta creative   hellovolta twitter logo volta creative


You may have also noticed our main company email address is hello@voltacreative.uk just to emphasise our approachability and consistency.


So why not say Hello Volta ( hellovolta ) to the creative team at Volta Creative, we may just say hello back.