branded face masks volta creative

Branded Face Masks

Now the general public are having to wear face masks in many public areas including on public transport, we are able to offer full colour, company branded face masks at a great price.


Market your company while helping to prevent the spread of the virus!


Our face masks are durable and fully washable, meaning you and your staff can use them over and over again, helping to protect friends, family and fellow staff members in the coming months.


What’s even better is while helping to keep people safe, you will be advertising your company brand in a truly creative way.


We thought it was such a good idea we ordered a set of Volta Creative masks (and they look uber cool).


The masks are available from as low as £2.50 for an order of 500 and rising to only £4.00 each for the minimum order of 25 masks.


Price bands for our masks are: 25 / 50 / 100 / 200 / 300 / 400 / 500


25 @ £4.00 each
50 @ £3.75 each
100 @ £3.50 each
200 @ £3.25 each
300 @ £3.00 each
400 @ £2.75 each
500 @ £2.50 each


We also have an upgrade option to add individual names onto each mask if required.


To help keep these great marketing items as low cost as possible we are also offering to design the masks for a heavily reduced price of only £25 (bargain).


All prices are plus vat and carriage at cost.


If you need any help or advice about our branded face masks, please get in touch and we will be happy to help.



Interested? Contact us for full details by either calling us on 0114 276 3736, emailing us at or by sending us a message using our secure form.


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